Consumers Beware: Granite Headstones Can Stain

Blue jeans and tee-shirts aren't the only things you own that can stain. Believe it or not, granite stones can stain.

Some people are under the mistaken belief that “polished” stones are coated with a sealer to make them so glossy. This is not true. Every side of a monument that is glossy has been polished for many hours, under special buffers that turn the smooth matte finish of a freshly cut stone into the shiny, reflective surface that you see. Unlike granite countertops, monuments are not “sealed.” Remember granite is a natural stone, and therefore is porous. They may appear blotchy or stained after a rainstorm. These water stains will go away, as the water evaporates out of the stone. This is normal.

However, it is very important to note that sometimes the cemetery may use a sprinkler to water nearby grass or shrubbery. Minerals in the water can stain or discolor the stone, in some cases making it look rusty. If your stone should get stained, please do not attempt to clean it yourselves. Household cleaners and solvents may permanently damage your monument, as they seep into the pores of the stone, and could make it worse. Call an expert to remove stains properly.

By: Ryan Durkin. You can email or fill out our contact form here if you have any questions about this blog post.

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